Earlier we got scans of the new form and fan guy already covered that
in his channel. In those scans, his hair was shown to be silver.
However, Goku’s hair in the preview was way too shinny and it looked
like was glowing. It could either be a temporary glow, for when he was
transforming into a Super saiyan Silver or the Master of Ultra instinct
or maybe that’s how it will look in the anime. If you ask me,
personally, I think it’s the previous. Like whenever someone turns super
saiyan for the first couple of times. Their hair initially glows really
bright, but when the form settles in, it turns into a more regular
shade of blonde. So, I think after the initial power up and releasing of
aura, Goku’s new form will look like the ones we saw in the scan.
However, if you actually watched the video made by the fan guy on the
new form and you definitely should watch it, you guys already know that
there were two scans of that form. And the one akira toriyama drew was
actually way quite different. The hair was exactly like Goku’s when he’s
in the base form and he was really skinny, like in his Super Saiyan God
form. However, we actually got the other version where he was way more
muscular, and I don’t know if it’s just me, but his hair looks a bit
spikier than usual… I mean it’s obviously not as spikey as his super
sayan or ssjb form, but it’s definitely a bit different than his base
form if you ask me.

Now that we’ve more or less somewhat covered the visual part of the
form, let’s take a look at what this form actually has to offer. How
strong is Goku with a mastered Ultra Instinct? Okay, though not a lot, a
few of the fans in the Dragon Ball universe, or the fanverse think that
Ultra-Instinct is not really a massive power up, you can just dodge or
attack very effectively and efficiently without any effort whatsoever.
That theory however, is very freaking wrong. Even the defensive half
of ultra-instinct gave Goku huge boosts in his power levels no doubt. I
mean take into account today’s episode. Goku after unlocking the semi
perfect version of ultra instinct again, punched Jiren in the gutt after
dodging a few attacks of his own. And Jiren basically gasped in agony.
It really looked like Jiren was in pain… I mean Vegeta as a Super Saiyan
Blue landed a couple of clean hit on jiren as well. But that didn’t
hurt Jiren as much it shocked him. But a half assed punch from a semi
perfect Ultra Insctint Goku, really hurt Jiren. That alone is enough to
prove that the UI form has a massive power boost or multiplier of its
Anyways, getting back on track, how strong is the newly mastered Ultra Instinct form?

Well it’s obviously way more powerful than Blue and waaay more
powerful than Vegeta’s Bluer form or Ultra blue or whatever. So, how
strong is this new form exactly? Is Goku now in the level of Beerus? Has
he surpassed him? Is he now in the leagues of Whis and the other
angels? Well, if you ask me, no.
He’s not. At best Goku is now on par with Beerus in terms of power. I
know how Goku has now mastered ultra instinct, and Beerus supposedly
hasn’t, but still, that doesn’t mean anything.
When the battle of Gods movie came out, Toriyama specifically said,
that if Beerus is a 10 and Whis is a 15, Goku’s God would be a 6.

But however, later when Super began, it was made clear that even with
Blue, the saiyans aren’t anywhere near Beerus. So, basically, Toriyama
lied to us, or he had no idea about how the series will play out when he
was writing the movie. Anyways, So, let’s say Super Saiyan Blue would
be an 8 and the perfected Ultra instinct, would put goku right next to
Beerus in terms of power with both having close to 10. Well, atleast in
the eyes of Toriyama.
Although Vegeta is now gone and out of the tournament, he did leave
his final bit of energy for Goku… Without him buying time for Goku and
donating the energy, this new form wouldn’t have been possible..
So, take a bow our beloved badass

So guys, even though I am at a point where I am fatigued of seeing so
many transformations, I am really excited to see this form. A lot of
fans had made Super saiyan silver fan arts for Goku, vegeta and Gohan,
and this new form really does look a lot like that. So, I’m really hyped
out to see what this form is capable of and how the ending of the
series plays out.
So, folks, that’s all from me for now, and I’ll be seeing you all soon, in the next one.